At a time when many residents of aged care facilities are isolated due to lockdowns, the government’s testing rules are forcing families in open facilities to remain apart.
Shadow Minister for Ageing Jo Siejka said there is currently a requirement that unvaccinated people, including children who are yet to have the opportunity to get fully vaccinated, have PCR tests 72 hours before visiting.
“While we must do everything we can to protect residents in aged care it is important that rules and requirements are easy to comply with,” Ms Siejka said.
“The Premier needs to clarify if people, including children, who are required to get PCR tests before visiting their loved ones can get appointments in state run clinics.
“If not, he needs to consider reviewing the requirements and making RATs available.
“Given there are a number of facilities already in lockdown and an insufficient number of pool staff available to support the sector when staff do get sick it is vital we do everything we can to keep people safe.
“However, if the rules in place to keep them safe are impossible to comply with they need to be addressed.”
Jo Siejka MLC
Shadow Minister for Ageing