Vital road
upgrades, drainage works and multi-sport reserves that are essential for the
orderly development of the Armstrong Creek growth area are being pursued by the
high-priority public infrastructure projects in Armstrong Creek, Charlemont and
Mount Duneed include:
- Five road and intersection upgrades;
- Three sporting reserves; and
- Three retarding basins / wetlands.
To facilitate
the projects, the City has identified the need to acquire portions of land.
During its 12 May 2020 meeting the Council
resolved to prepare and exhibit Planning Scheme amendment C410, to
apply a public acquisition overlay (PAO) in the Armstrong Creek growth area.
The PAO process
will allow for long-planned water management, transport, recreation and public
open space projects to be rolled out in a timely manner.
The City has
contacted all relevant landowners and has met with individuals to discuss their
specific properties.
Work is ongoing
to establish mutually beneficial timeframes for any transfer, so landowners can
best plan their future.
Under the PAO,
landowners would receive a payment based on an independent assessment of the
land’s market value and other associated costs, in line with Victorian
The cost of
these purchases would be recovered by the City through development
contributions and public open space contributions.
Planning Scheme
amendment C410 will be open for public input and be independently reviewed.
Landowners will
be able to provide submissions and be heard by an independent planning panel
appointed by the Minister for Planning.
The proposed
infrastructure projects were confirmed through previous public processes, such
as precinct structure plans and development contribution plans.
About 30 per
cent of the overall Armstrong Creek growth area development has been delivered.
The area will
ultimately host a population of 55,000-65,000 people, making it one of the
largest growth fronts in the country.
Horseshoe Bend
- Sporting fields, community pavilion
- Drainage, land required for wetlands and retarding basins
- New road intersections, road widening of Horseshoe Bend
Road reserve
Creek East
- Multi-purpose community pavilion, sporting ovals,
soccer pitches, netball courts, tennis courts, open space reserve - New road intersections
Creek West
- Community pavilion, two sporting ovals, netball
courts, bowling greens - New road intersections
Mayor Stephanie Asher:
long-term master plan has identified the region’s education, health, community
service, recreation and open space needs and when the particular projects
should be delivered.We
need to progress these projects to support the sustainable growth of the Armstrong
Creek community.This
will allow for more residents to move into the area and have early access to
new sporting and recreation facilities, contributing to a vibrant community
life.The community will have the chance to have its say on the proposed amendment,
and we encourage everyone interested to do that.
Councillor Trent Sullivan, Chair, Planning
amendment hasn’t been taken lightly, however the process will allow for
essential projects such as water management and transport to be rolled out.Landowners have been met with to discuss the
amendment and the community will get the chance to put forward their views. The
amendment will also be independently reviewed.