Stonnington City Council (Council), acting under clause 115 of the Local Government Act 1989 (Act), proposes to enter into a lease agreement and a license arrangement over Council’s land for a new electrical substation in favour of the power authority, United Energy Distribution Pty Ltd.
The substation will power the new multipurpose sports facility at Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park. The lease area will be 6.4m by 6.4m and require an additional licenced area for the connection cabling.
The lease will be for a period of 30 years and offer a 20 year further term. A rental of $1 per annum plus GST (if demanded) will be charged over the course of the full terms. The nominal rental has been agreed in lieu of the financial contributions made by both parties in facilitating the substation and enabling power supply to the multi-purpose facility.
In accordance with section 223 of the Act, any person wishing to make a submission on the proposal must do so in writing to the undersigned by Tuesday 5 April 2022. Submissions should be sent to:
Madelyn Eads-Dorsey
Stonnington City Council
P O Box 58
Any persons making a submission may request to be heard in support of their submission. Any person requesting to be heard is entitled to appear in person or by a person acting on their behalf before a meeting of Council or its committee on a date to be determined by the Chief Executive Officer.
All submissions will be considered in accordance with section 223 of the Act.
Following consideration of submissions, Council may resolve:
1. to lease the land to United Energy Distribution Pty Ltd; or
2. to not lease the land to United Energy Distribution Pty Ltd.