Jacquie Petrusma,Minister for Parks
The Tasmanian Government is committed to protecting, promoting and managing Tasmania’s world-renowned parks and reserve system, which includes responding to the threat of invasive weeds, animals and diseases.
As a key outcome of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA) Management Plan 2016, the TWWHA Biosecurity Strategy 2021-2031 has been developed to respond to the threat of invasive weeds, animals and diseases.
The Tasmanian Budget 2022-23 includes funding of $3.27 million over the next four years, with $870,000 for this year to implement the TWWHA Biosecurity Strategy.
The purpose of the Strategy is to guide management activities and decision making to minimise the impacts of invasive organisms on the natural and cultural values of the TWWHA.
The TWWHA covers almost a quarter of the land area of Tasmania and is recognised as possessing Outstanding Universal Value under UNESCO’S World Heritage Convention.
The Strategy identifies seven goals to address biosecurity risks in the TWWHA and provides a framework covering aspects such as leadership, planning, communication, documentation, training, education, research, compliance, coordination, and emergency response.
The Strategy was developed following an extensive risk assessment which considered natural events, and management and recreational activities that occur in and around the TWWHA which could spread or introduce invasive organisms.
The Tasmanian Liberal Government is delivering on the TWHHA Biosecurity Strategy to strengthen Tasmania’s future.