
Public Exhibition of Planning Proposal

Gunnedah Shire Council

Notice is hereby given that a Planning Proposal is being placed on public exhibition. The Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Gunnedah Local Environmental Plan 2012 (Gunnedah LEP 2012).

SUBJECT LAND: The ‘Subject Site Particulars’ list is available at Council’s Administration Building, 63 Elgin Street, Gunnedah and on Council’s website www.gunnedah.nsw.gov.au.


The Panning Proposal seeks to amend the Gunnedah Local Environmental Plan 2012 so that all privately owned agricultural land that is currently zoned E3 Environmental Management and is located more than 5 kilometres from Gunnedah, is rezoned to RU1 Primary Production, consistent with the historical agricultural protection zone of the Gunnedah Local Environmental Plan, 1998.


Planning proposal seeks to:

  • (a) Amend the following Land Zoning Map(s) to rezone the ‘subject land’ from E3 Environmental Management to RU1 Primary Production:
  • (i) LZN_001;
  • (ii) LZN_002;
  • (iii) LZN_003;
  • (iv) LZN_003A;
  • (v) LZN_004;
  • (vi) LZN_005;
  • (vii) LZN_005A; and
  • (viii) LZN_006.
  • (b) Include Terrestrial Biodiversity overlay map(s) on the ‘subject land’ which excludes cleared agricultural land used for residential or farm infrastructure purposes, intensive animal production, the grazing of modified pastures, mining and utility infrastructure; and
  • (c) Include a Terrestrial Biodiversity clause that will apply to land shown on the terrestrial biodiversity overlay map. This clause includes objectives that protect native fauna and flora, and the ecological process necessary for their continued existences. It also encourages the conservation and recovery of native fauna and flora and their habitats.

The Planning Proposal and supporting documentation will be on public exhibition during Council’s current office hours (9:00am-4:00pm) at Council’s Administration Building, 63 Elgin Street, Gunnedah. The information will also be available on .

Written or electronic submissions are invited during the public exhibition period. The exhibition period ends on Friday, 14 January 2022.

Gunnedah Shire Council has been authorised to be the Local Plan Making Authority for this Planning Proposal. As such, persons wishing to make a submission should do so in writing and address to:

General Manager

Gunnedah Shire Council

PO Box 63


/Public Release. View in full .

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