
Public sector nurses and midwives statewide meeting to consider new Allan Government offer

Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch)

Victorian public sector nurses and midwives from across the state will meet to discuss the in-principle agreement the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch) has reached with the Allan Government.

Public sector ANMF members have been taking stage one protected industrial action since Tuesday 7 May. Stage one industrial action continues which includes wearing red campaign t-shirts, talking to patients about the campaign, banning overtime, refusing redeployment and administrative bans.

Stage 2 industrial action, including closing one in four beds and cancelling one in four elective surgeries with significant exemptions, was suspended on Friday 17 May.

MEDIA INVITED TO ATTEND (please note these are approximate times only)

1:30pm Buses bringing nurses and midwives start arriving (Rosslyn Street)

2pm Statewide meeting commences Media is invited in briefly to hear formal speakers and will be asked to leave for the members’ discussion. Media will be invited back in for the nurses’ and midwives’ vote.

3.35pm (approx) ANMF (Vic Branch) Secretary Lisa Fitzpatrick available to answer media questions.

About us:

The ANMF (Vic Branch) has more than 100,000 members – nurses, midwives and aged care personal care workers – across the Victorian health, mental health and aged care sectors.

/Public Release.