A range of Territory health issues will be in the nationalspotlight at todays COAG Health Council meeting in Adelaide.
The Territory Labor Government is investing heavily inimproving health care for Territorians, and several areas of focus will bediscussed at todays COAG, including suicide prevention, mental health,disability services, renal health, eye health, rheumatic heart disease andhearing health.
Assistant Minister for Suicide Prevention, Mental Health andDisabilities, Ngaree Ah Kit, will attend the COAG, where draft roadmaps thatset out the framework for delivering policies and programs to fight rheumaticheart disease and renal, eye and hearing health all prevalent in theTerritory will be released.
As stated by AssistantMinister for Suicide Prevention, Mental Health and Disabilities, Ngaree Ah Kit:
The Territory Labor Government is improving health servicesfor Territorians, and I will use COAG to voice the needs of Territorians acrossa range of important health issues so we can continue to build on the work wehave done.
The roadmaps on renal health, eye health, rheumatic heartdisease and hearing health are of particular importance to the Territory, asthese problems adversely affect large numbers of Territorians, particularly inour remote communities.
Recognising that suicide and mental health issues are prevalentin the NT, this Government has overhauled the Northern Territory SuicidePrevention Strategic Framework and is reviewing the NT Mental Health StrategicPlan. This was an election promise and I am interested to hear what otherjurisdictions are doing in this space.