
Quality Indicator Summary Report – submit by 30 June 2023

Quality indicator (QI) summary reports for 2022 data are due by 30 June 2023.

QI summary reports can be submitted to ASQA using the . ASQA is no longer accepting completed QI summary reports submitted by email.

For providers that have already submitted QI summary reports for 2022 data by email, your 2022 summary reports will be accepted in that format.

Quality indicator summary reports provide an analysis of student and employer feedback to providers. This feedback is important for providers to inform continuous improvement of training and assessment and to help ASQA understand how providers respond to feedback from students and employers.

Reporting this data is a condition of the which requires that all Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) registered with ASQA collect and report their student and employer feedback.

The following providers are exempt from reporting quality indicator data for the 2022 calendar year:

  • if your RTO was granted initial registration by ASQA or another registering body after 30 June 2022
  • if your RTO did not provide any nationally recognised training or assessment services in the previous calendar year and submitted a ‘Nil return’ in the data collection for the Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS).
  • if your RTO took part in the in the 2022 calendar year you do not need to submit additional student data to ASQA. You still need to give us employer data.

ASQA will be using your responses to inform the continuous improvement of the quality indicator summary report.

Providers are encouraged to collect feedback data in the first half of the year about the previous calendar year (1 January to 31 December). Questionnaire templates for providers to use when asking for feedback are available at the following link:

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