Yarra Council resolved to refer Planning Scheme to an independent planning panel at a council meeting on Tuesday 28 May.
Amendment C231 will help guide the scale and form of the new buildings that are constructed on Queens Parade by introducing a planning control known as a Design and Development Overlay (DDO) into the Yarra Planning Scheme.
The amendment was on public exhibition for eight weeks in October and November last year, during which time Council received almost 400 submissions from the community.
After reviewing the submissions, Yarra Council has prepared a new version of the DDO based on feedback, which was endorsed at the council meeting.
The independent Planning Panel, appointed by the Minister for Planning, will consider the amendment, community submissions and the changes Yarra Council has recommended.
Read the full council resolution from 28 May 2019 below:
1. That Council:
(a) receives and notes submissions received following the exhibition of Amendment C231;
(b) notes that there is/will be considerable development growth in precincts 2 and 5 of the DDO and at the former Gas Works site;
(c) notes the officer report and attachments in response to submissions on Amendment C231 and endorses the recommended changes to the amendment including the Preferred Version of the DDO schedule, conditional upon the following further amendments, to Schedule 16 to Clause 43.02 Design and Development Overlay (dated 20 May 2019):
2.9.4 Precinct 4 – Activity Centre Precinct
Design requirements
(i) Revise the fifth requirement, as follows, to include heritage fabric and Wellington Street:
a. retain the visual prominence and heritage fabric of the return façades of heritage buildings that front Queens Parade, Delbridge, Gold, Michael and Wellington Streets;
(ii) Include a new requirement:
a. maintain service access from the laneways in order to facilitate commercial use of the properties fronting Queens Parade.
Table 4 – street wall height, building height and setbacks for Precinct 4
(i) Include a new preferred built form requirement:
a. Minimum rear setback (C1Z interface) – 3 metres above 11 metres;
(d) adopts as its submission to the panel the position of support for Amendment C231 with changes as identified in (c) above;
(e) requests the Minister for Planning to appoint an independent planning panel to consider all submissions referred to in relation to Amendment C231 in accordance with Section 23 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987;
(f) refer all submissions, including late submissions and new or modified submissions in response to the further notice as in paragraph (g) below to the panel;
(i) writes to all landowners and occupiers directly affected by the revised DDO schedule and to all submitters to:
(ii) advise of Council’s decision to proceed to panel;
(iii) advise of Council’s position in support of the Preferred Version of the DDO; and
(iv) advise that if they make a submission in relation to the recommended changes, the new or varied submission will be referred directly to the panel; and
(g) notes that officers will provide a further report to Council after the planning panel report is received from Panels Victoria to enable further consideration of Amendment C231 by Council.