Queenslanders of all ages are being encouraged to celebrate and participate in Queensland Seniors Week, which kicks off on Saturday (August 17).
Seniors Week is the state’s premier event for older Queenslanders, bringing together young and old for a week-long celebration of the achievements and contributions of seniors.
Minister for Seniors Coralee O’Rourke today (17August) officially launched Queensland Seniors Week, highlighting the jam-packed events calendar with events and activities for everyone to enjoy.
“This year, we have hundreds of events and activities happening right across the state to celebrate Queensland Seniors Week, including 108 events and activities that received Palaszczuk Government subsidies totalling $100,000,” Mrs O’Rourke said.
“We have seen Seniors Week continue to grow in popularity each year, as more and more Queenslanders embrace its age-friendly message.
“This week is all about our seniors, who have contributed to Queensland’s thriving communities for the entirety of their lives.
“It is also a great way to build inter-generational relationships and connectedness for seniors in their communities and I’d encourage Queenslanders of all ages to join in the fun.”
Seniors Week runs from 17- 25 August 2019.
The theme for Queensland Seniors Week 2019 is: Celebrating a Queensland for All Ages.
Seniors Week is coordinated by the Council on the Ageing (COTA) Queensland which receives Queensland Government funding to collaboratively plan, run and distribute grants for Seniors Week events and activities.
COTA Queensland Chief Executive Mark Tucker-Evans said COTA worked with many partner organisations to organise more than 870 events and activities.
“These events cover a broad range of activities appealing to different interests and age groups but all work to increase social connectedness,” Mr Tucker-Evans said.
“We sincerely thank the hundreds of organisers who are providing opportunities to bring together Queenslanders of all ages.
“The calendar of events is looking great for this year and we are also keen to hear from people who have ideas for other types of events they would like to see included in next year’s program.
“Connecting with our older members of the community is rewarding at any time of the year yet we strongly encourage everyone to make an extra effort during Seniors Week.”
Mrs O’Rourke highlighted a number of major events held during the week, including the Centenarian Art Project where 100 teen artists have created original portraits of 100 centenarians.
“In addition to viewing the portraits which highlight the 100 years of life with the experiences, life history and memories of Queensland’s most senior citizens, unique friendships across generations have grown from this project,” she said.
The portraits can be viewed at the newly developed Jolly Centre at the Seven Hills Hub from 17 August to 1 September 2019.
In addition to these events, landmarks across Queensland will be lit in various colours including purple, pink, gold and maroon to celebrate Seniors Week including Brisbane City Hall (20 – 22 August), Reddacliff Place sculptures (19 – 21 August), Sandgate Town Hall (20 – 22 August), Story and Victoria Bridges (19 – 21, 24 August), Townsville bridge and sign (20 – 22 August).