The highly successful youthengagement and mentoring programs, Clontarf and Stars, have opened for thefirst time in Northern Territory primary schools.
Palmerstons Moulden PrimarySchool and Driver Primary School are home to the first expansion of the popularprograms to pre-secondary years.
Clontarf Foundation operates academiesfor Aboriginal boys in 14 NT Government secondary schools, with nearly 1000boys participating, while Stars Foundation operates academies for Aboriginal girlsin nine NT government schools, with nearly 500 girls taking part.
The engagement programsprovide valuable mentorship, guidance and fellowship in dedicated learningspaces, where, in addition to receiving academic support, participants are alsoencouraged to adopt the values the programs promote.
The Territory Labor Governmentis this year investing $6.5 million in boys and girls engagement programs in NTschools, which have been proven to improve students attendance, health,wellbeing and academic success.
Quotesattributable to Minister for Education, Selena Uibo.
All children have the rightto the same great start in life, which is why the Territory Labor Government isinvesting $6.5 million in boys and girls engagement programs this year.
These engagement programsprovide valuable learning and wellbeing support to enable boys and girls togain the skills and knowledge they need for a bright future.
Developing strong schoolattendance habits in early schooling is an essential foundation for success in secondaryschool and into adulthood.
Unlike the CLP, who ripped$135 million from the education budget and slashed teachers and support staff,we know that investing in programs such as Clontarf and Stars are the rightthing to do and the smart thing to do for the Territorys future.
Quotesattributable to Clontarf Foundation NT Top End South Regional Manager BrendenPetterson.
Clontarf Foundation isexcited to have the opportunity to commence programs at Moulden Primary Schooland Driver Primary School.
Earlier engagement willprovide the young boys in Palmerston with an extra layer of support on theireducational journeys right through primary school, high school and then intomeaningful employment or further studies.
Quotesattributable to Stars CEO and Founder Andrea Goddard.
Stars has been running highlysuccessful mentoring support programs for First Nations girls and young womenin secondary schools in the NT since 2015.
We are very pleased to beable to expand our program into two primary schools in Palmerston, with thesupport of the NT Government.
These primary programs willallow us to support even more First Nations girls in the NT and set them up fora successful transition into secondary school.