
Received & Determined Development Applications 31 May

Willoughby City


14 to 27 May 2022

Council received the following applications during the period mentioned above. These applications can be viewed online on Council’s .

Received Development Applications


389 Pacific Highway, ARTARMON

Installation of identification signage and associated works.


10 Wheatleigh Street, NAREMBURN

Demolition of existing garage and construction of a new garage and attached studio, swimming pool, landscaping and associated works.


Lot 12/28 Smith Street, CHATSWOOD

Internal fit out and signage to existing premises for a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week basketball training facility and associated works.


26 Crabbes Avenue & 247-255 Penshurst Street NORTH WILLOUGHBY

Modify original proposal to include removal of four (4) trees and associated works.


17 Narani Crescent, NORTHBRIDGE

Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of new dwelling, double garage, landscaping, partial driveway upgrade, swimming pool and associated works.


130-138 Archer Street, 10A, 12, 14 Boundary Street, ROSEVILLE

Modify original proposal to propose changes to Lots 29, 35, 37, 38 to include addition of skylight (Lot 35), convert bedroom 4 to open plan kitchen/dining area (Lots 37 and 38) and adjustment to planter box (Lot 29) and associated works.


401 Mowbray Road West, CHATSWOOD

Delete conditions 18(iii) and 51 (a) (ii) relating to trees.


425 Penshurst Street, ROSEVILLE

Alterations and additions to existing dwelling, tree removal and associated works.


136 Ashley Street, CHATSWOOD

Modify original proposal to include changes to terrace roof to an operable louvered roof, skylights, delete proposed bedroom terrace and enlarge bedroom, internal alterations and associated works.

Pursuant to s.4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Regulations, Council notifies the granting of the following development consents and/or Complying Development Certificates which can be viewed on Council’s .

Issued Development Consents


30 Anglo Street, CHATSWOOD

Modify existing consent by amending various windows, reconfiguration of internal layout and associated works.


6 Calbina Road, NORTHBRIDGE

Alterations and additions to existing dwelling including internal alterations, balconies, awnings, swimming pool, fencing, windows, solar panels and associated works.


54 Linden Way, CASTLECRAG

Alterations and additions to existing dwelling, convert existing tennis pavilion to a secondary dwelling, new carport, landscaping and associated works.


4 Lawrence Street, CHATSWOOD

Demolition of existing dwelling and garage and construction of four (4) townhouses (including one affordable housing) with basement parking, landscaping and associated works.


10 Wallace Street, WILLOUGHBY

Alterations and additions including first floor addition, rear ground floor deck, tandem carport and associated works.


47 Frenchs Road, WILLOUGHBY

Construction of a new two storey dwelling, double garage and associated works.


19 Carlos Road, ARTARMON

Alterations and first floor addition to existing dwelling, swimming pool and associated works.


455 Victoria Avenue, CHATSWOOD

Alterations to existing Heritage Item- Orchard Hotel by demolishing existing fit out and shopfront to three shops and construct new fit out for a proposed new sport bar.


29 Weemala Road, NORTHBRIDGE

Swimming pool, decking landscaping and associated works.


8 Hallstrom Close, NORTHBRIDGE

Minor alterations and additions to an existing dwelling.


39 Alleyne Street, CHATSWOOD

Removal of existing signage and addition of non-illuminated signage, exterior painting and associate works.


20 Mabel Street, WILLOUGHBY

Alterations and additions to existing dwelling including minor internal demolition, new windows, altered pitched roof and associated works.


8/6-8 McLachlan Avenue, ARTARMON

Internal alterations and additions to existing premises to a film studio, 24 hour operation Monday-Friday and associated works.


26 Linden Way, CASTLECRAG

Modify existing consent regarding windows, doors, internal layout, roof, external materials, first floor wall realignment and associated works


12 Frederick Street, ST LEONARDS

Removal of existing signage and erection of fourteen (14) business identification signage and associated works.


119 Neerim Road, CASTLE COVE

Installation of pergola over existing rear balcony and associated works.


1 Sailors Bay Road, WILLOUGHBY

Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling including a first floor addition and associated works.


16 Greville Street, CHATSWOOD

Demolish garage/carport and construction of new garage, room over garage and associated works.


1 Remuera Street, WILLOUGHBY

Modify original proposal to dual occupancy by changing swimming pool to a water feature, change of material next to garage on southern boundary and associated works.


29 The Tor Walk, CASTLECRAG

Replacement of dilapidated seawall and associated works.


1 Anderson Street, CHATSWOOD

Change of use and fit out to indoor climbing facility and associated works.


14 Hudson Avenue, WILLOUGHBY

Demolition and construction of new garage (Elliott Lane access), new swimming pool and pool house and associated works.


9 Tycannah Road, NORTHBRIDGE

Relocation of existing swimming pool, new pool cabana, landscaping and associated works

/Public Release. View in full .