
Recipients of 2023-24 Riverbank Funding announced

  • $1.26 million in grants for up to 20 restoration projects in the Swan Canning Riverpark
  • Grant recipients to match funding dollar for dollar

The Swan and Canning rivers are set to benefit from $1.26 million in new funding for up to 20 foreshore restoration projects as part of the Cook Government’s Riverbank Program.

Funding focuses on projects that protect or enhance environmental, recreational, cultural and amenity values of the Swan Canning Riverpark.

The 2023-24 funding round will deliver $1,097,845 to 11 local foreshore land managers for 17 restoration projects. The remaining funds will be directed towards up to three partnerships with local governments to protect priority sites.

Since the Riverbank Program started in 2002, a total of $60 million has been invested in over 360 foreshore restoration project sites within the Riverpark, with the State Government contributing $30 million and local government matching every dollar.

As stated by Environment Minister Reece Whitby:

“The Riverbank Program has a strong track record of delivering positive outcomes for the health and amenity of the Swan Canning Riverpark and the communities it sustains.

“This year’s program will again support a variety of restoration projects aimed at addressing key environmental challenges along our riverbanks and benefitting the communities who use these areas for recreation and tourism.

“Congratulations to the successful recipients and I look forward to seeing the outcomes of their dedicated work.”

Table 1: Project sites to receive Riverbank Funding in 2023-2024

Site Title / Location


Project Intent

Funding request

Point Resolution, Dalkeith

City of Nedlands

Bioengineering and revegetation


Roley Pools, Roleystone

City of Armadale

Ecological restoration of the Roley Pools heritage walk trail Stage 3


Araluen Walk Trail, Goolamrup Reserve and Pries Park

City of Armadale

Ecological restoration of the Canning River in the City of Armadale


Burslem Drive Bridge Downstream, Jacqueline Drive and Martin Riverpark

City of Gosnells

Ecological restoration of the Canning River in the City of Gosnells


Manning Avenue, Gosnells

City of Gosnells

Ecological restoration including weed control and revegetation


Point Walter, Bicton

City of Melville

Foreshore design and landscape plan for dis-used boat ramp


Point Roe, Mosman Park

Town of Mosman Park

Embankment stabilisation and revegetation


Shelley Rossmoyne Foreshore, Shelley

City of Canning

Erosion control works


Attadale Foreshore, Attadale

City of Melville

Attadale foreshore boardwalk design


Claisebrook Cove, East Perth

City of Perth

Riverwall maintenance works


Bush Forever Site 443, Bindaring Parade, Claremont

Town of Claremont

Concept designs and management plan


Ellam Street, Victoria Park

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

River wall and path remediation


Entire City of Melville Foreshore, Melville

City of Melville

Foreshore restoration strategy


Arden Street Reserve, East Perth

City of Perth

Riverbank restoration and stabilisation design


Prawn Bay, North Fremantle

City of Fremantle

Ecological restoration of wetland


Bardon Park, Maylands

City of Bayswater

Foreshore and drainage restoration design


Charles Court Reserve/Paul Hasluck Reserve/Sunset Foreshore Reserve, Dalkeith

City of Nedlands

Direct shore stabilisation and wall repair


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