
Red Box Announces Partnership With Global Relay, Expanding Its Financial Services Ecosystem and Compliance Offering

Red Box, the leading platform for voice, today announces a partnership with Global Relay, leaders in information archiving and compliance. This partnership enables customers to use Global Relay’s search, surveillance, and analytics tools to unlock the full value of voice, as well as meet compliance obligations.

Reliable and secure voice capture and retrieval is crucial for financial services organisations endeavouring to comply with and prepare for regulation and partnering with Global Relay will support the adherence to record-keeping requirements mandated by MiFID II and other global regulations. The partnership demonstrates Red Box’s commitment to building a best of breed partner ecosystem and providing customers with complete data sovereignty.

Global Relay Archive is a leading information archiving, surveillance, and eDiscovery solution that helps organisations manage and control their communications data and aids them in meeting regulatory requirements and improving productivity. Customers will benefit from seamless integration with Red Box utilising their export broker and email bridge functions to securely push both voice and highly accurate transcriptions of conversations into Global Relay Archive, where they can be preserved and analysed alongside other ecomms and trade data – including email, social media, IM, and text.

/Public Release.