At a Meeting of Central Goldfields Shire Council this week (28/02) the updated Priority Projects Plan 2023 was adopted.
The last Priority Projects Plan was developed in 2022 and was designed to meet the needs of a State Government election year to advocate for investment in a range of infrastructure projects.
Given the economic climate and the tight State and Federal Government budgets, the 2023 refreshed version is focused on a smaller number of projects that align with government priorities and funding opportunities.
Central Goldfields Shire Mayor Cr Liesbeth Long said it was an exciting time for our community as we work together to build a community that’s full of optimism and choice.
“We’re aspirational and determined and we see the projects detailed in the Priority Projects Plan as the drivers for change in our community.
“The Priority Projects Plan will be used for advocacy over the next 12 months – it’s essentially our investment invitation list – it outlines the projects we are committed to attracting investment for to facilitate long term sustainable growth for our Shire.
“Our 2022 Priority Projects Plan was successful in securing funding for eight key projects including Talbot Futures, Central Goldfields Art Gallery, Maryborough Railway Station, Maryborough Town Hall, Princes Park Grandstand, Carisbrook Recreation Reserve, Deledio Netball Courts and the Castlemaine Maryborough Rail Trail.
“Our hope is that our 2023 Priority Projects Plan will be just as successful in securing us the funding we want to create a Central Goldfields we can be proud of.”
The 2023 Priority Projects Plan features:
A precinct-based approach to Central Maryborough
- Maryborough CBD
- Maryborough Town Hall
- Maryborough Railway Station Activation – Stage 4
- Princes Park Grandstand
- Maryborough Outdoor Pool complex
This place-based approach aligns with the Federal Government’s Urban Precincts and Partnerships Program. The approach will facilitate a sense of place for residents and a world class visitor experience.
Funding for three cultural heritage precincts – including the Maryborough Railway Station, Maryborough CBD and Princes Park precinct (including the Maryborough Outdoor Pool) – will provide the foundation for this placemaking.
Upgrades to our highly valued heritage buildings are essential to meet the standards required of a UNESCO listing and provide an opportunity to advocate to both State and Federal Government to invest in our heritage buildings.
Other game changing initiatives:
- Deledio Recreation Reserve
- Talbot Futures
- Early Years Hub
- Industrial Employment Precinct
Significant projects aimed at addressing housing, early years and jobs challenges are also on our agenda as key priorities.
Town sewerage for Talbot remains critical to develop the potential of the Ballarat Maryborough growth corridor and an Early Years Hub will ensure parents can access services they need, and that our young people get the best start to life.
Sport is the lifeblood of rural communities and it’s essential for us to improve the substandard sporting facilities at Deledio.
Funding is also required to support the delivery of a new industrial precinct including detailed design work, a development plan, subdivision, site clean-up and infrastructure provision. The recently adopted Industrial Land Supply & Demand Assessment and Strategy identified the need for more small lot industrial sites in the Shire.
Two other important projects that are not investment ready haven’t been included in this year’s Priority Projects Plan. A feasibility study for a splash park as part of the Play Space Strategy and a feasibility study and design work for a Youth Hub are underway so that they can be included in future.
Council will continue to work on these to position them for future funding and Priority Projects Plan listing.