Western Australian tenants struggling financially after losing their jobs will have a second chance to claim the State Government’s rent relief grant, helping renters and their landlords recover from the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Following the extension of the COVID-19 rent laws, the Residential Tenancies Rent Relief Grant Scheme has been extended.
Renters who have lost their job or more than 75 per cent of income due to COVID-19 can apply for a grant of four weeks rent to be paid to their landlord.
Landlords who have already been paid the grant and who have tenants who remain in financial hardship caused by COVID-19 may be eligible to receive a second grant.
The online application form is available until March 28, 2021. Landlords needing assistance can contact the new Landlord Hotline on 1300 30 40 54.
As stated by Commerce Minister John Quigley:
“The ongoing availability of relief and the opportunity to get a second grant is great news for tenants and landlords.
“Many renters are trying to get back on their feet and the grant ensures that their landlord still receives the rent if they are unable to make ends meet after losing their income due to COVID-19.
“The grant is available to compensate landlords where they have entered into negotiation with the tenant.
“If you are a tenant in financial hardship then reach out for help by calling the new Landlord Hotline to talk to an expert about the grant and receive assistance.”