Lithgow City Council is preparing for a staged return to normal operating as the lockdown is relaxed. The council remains focused however on ensuring the continuing health of the staff and the community.
Council’s services will reopen in accordance with the NSW Government roadmap. The first stage of reopening starts on 11 October 2021. From that date, restrictions are eased for those who are fully vaccinated.
From Monday 11 October 2021 Council will reopen for face-to-face customer service at the Lithgow Service Centre for fully vaccinated people only.
Libraries will also reopen for fully vaccinated people only. Initially, the libraries will have a staged reopening from Monday 11 with slightly modified hours. This allows us to trial new health safeguards including practices like additional cleaning of computers outside of the public hours. Normal operating hours will resume as soon as it is safe to do so.
Customers attending the Council facilities will need to check in and provide evidence of vaccination (or medical exemption). If evidence cannot be provided, staff cannot provide service. Social distancing and face masks are also still required in indoor settings.
If people are unvaccinated or do not feel comfortable undertaking face-to-face interactions, they can continue to contact Council by telephone or email. Customers can also complete an online enquiry form from Council’s website. Cash payments can be made at Australia Post offices.