I refer to the letter received by the Office of Local Government advising of the Minister Shelley Hancock’s intention to suspend Councillors for a period of three months. I can confirm that all Councillors have had the opportunity to put forward their views in a response to the Minister and a submission has been endorsed at today’s Extraordinary Council Meeting within the allocated 14 day timeframe. Action taken hereafter will be at the discretion of the Minister at a time of her choosing.
Below is the final motion to the Minister.
Welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Notice of Intention to Issue a Suspension Order from the Minister for Local Government under section 438M of the Local Government Act 1993.
Welcomes the appointment of an administrator for a period of three months to provide stability for our Council and community.
Would welcome the opportunity to resume representing our community in the future.
Is committed to working with the administrator and any other available support during the period of administration to address the issues raised by the Minister in her Notice.
Mayor Cr Simon Murray