The Victorian Government has today tabled its response to the Yoorrook Justice Commission’s second interim report, marking another important step forward on our Truth and Treaty journey.
The Commission handed down its report Yoorrook for Justice in September 2023 which included 46 recommendations relating to the child protection and criminal justice systems.
Following careful consideration, the Government has accepted 28 of the recommendations, either in-principle or in full, and will consider 15 more.
The Commission is the first formal truth-telling process in Australia, established by the Labor Government in partnership with the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria in 2021 to investigate injustices experienced by First Peoples in Victoria since colonisation, including the impact of past and current government policies and actions.
The Government’s response to the Report reaffirms the State’s commitment to the truth-telling process. The Yoorrook for Justice Report provides an opportunity to listen and understand the truth of what First Peoples have experienced and continue to experience in child protection and criminal justice systems in Victoria.
The Labor Government is progressing a range of reforms in the child protection and criminal justice systems to improve outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians and our response builds on these reforms.
The Commission’s findings were informed by contributions from community members, Aboriginal leaders and Victorian Government representatives who participated in hearings on the systemic injustices Aboriginal people face when interacting with the State’s child protection and criminal justice systems.
The truth telling process and the findings of the Commission guide us on the path to Treaty and will inform Victoria’s Treaty negotiation process. We will continue to work closely with First Peoples in Victoria to identify priorities and the best ways to achieve change.
The Commission’s broad mandate reflects our commitment to Truth and Treaty.
As stated by Minister for Treaty and First Peoples Natalie Hutchins
“The Yoorrook Justice Commission’s work is globally groundbreaking. Victoria’s truth-telling process is a historic opportunity to hear the stories of our past that have been buried. These are stories that all Victorians need to hear.”
“Treaty and Truth, led by Aboriginal people, is the best way to deliver improved outcomes and close the gap.”
“Every Yoorrook Justice Commission inquiry allows the Victorian Government to develop a deeper understanding of the discrimination that has been built into state government policies and approaches.”
“We thank First Peoples who participated in the Inquiry and appeared before the Commission for their ongoing strength and resilience.”