I thank Murray-Darling Basin Authority Chief Executive Phillip Glyde who has announced his intention to retire and acknowledge his dedicated service over the past six years.
The role is a challenging one and Mr Glyde has shown leadership as he fulfilled his duties with integrity and a deep commitment to the Murray-Darling Basin.
Not long after I took on the water portfolio, Mr Glyde organised a tour of the southern Basin so I could see and hear first-hand from individuals and communities whose lives and livelihoods rely on a healthy and working connected river system.
I have appreciated his advice and action on many fronts in his role in leading the MDBA.
For much of his tenure, large parts of the Basin have been in drought adding to the challenge of achieving fair outcomes for stakeholders across a region that is home to more than two million Australians and 40% of Australia’s agricultural production.
I wish Phillip well in his retirement to spend more time with his family.
The recruitment process for his replacement will begin immediately.