Wyndham City Council will offer some residents who use reusable nappies and sanitary products a rebate, as a thank you for helping reduce waste to landfill.
Environment and Sustainability Portfolio holder, Cr Heather Marcus said an average of 94 babies were born every week in Wyndham.
“That means tonnes of disposable nappies have been sent to landfill – and this is not sustainable long term, especially with our growing population,” Cr Marcus said.
“Some Wyndham families are choosing greener solutions such as reusable cloth nappies.”
“Even if you use cloth nappies at the weekend, or whenever it is convenient, it helps us reduce waste from landfill.”
“Women who choose to use more environmentally-friendly sanitary products are also helping with our growing waste issue.”
“To thank residents for making the change to cloth nappies and environmentally-friendly sanitary products, Wyndham City Council is offering the first 50 residents a rebate.”
“With a receipt for cloth nappies, Wyndham City Council is offering $100 rebate and with a receipt for reusable sanitary items, we are offering up to $50 back on your purchase.”
The trial will run from 1st April to 30th October 2020 and a series of virtual workshops to learn the benefits of cloth nappies, the different types available, along with tips on storing and cleaning.
Our first online workshop will be held Saturday 18th April from 10am to 12pm. For info and to book visit