Horsham’s economy will receive a boost this weekend when more than 300 Harley-Davidson riders thunder into the city from all across Australia.
The Victorian Harley Owners Group (HOG) Breakfree State Rally will run from Friday to Sunday, with members camping at the Horsham Showgrounds.
Event director Andrew ‘Bopp’ Greenberger said one of the weekend’s highlights would be a group ride on Sunday from 9am.
“The Thunder Run will travel from Maydale Reserve along McPherson Street, turn into Wilson Street and continue out Natimuk Road, returning to Horsham via Three Bridges Road and Golf Course Road,” Bopp said.
“This will be a great opportunity for the public to view the various Harley Davidson makes and models.”
Mr Greenberger said HOG members came from all walks of life, from builders to doctors, from policemen to carpenters and every trade and profession between.
The only criteria is to be a Harley owner with the love of riding the iconic motorcycle.
“With the past two rallies cancelled due to COVID, there are a lot of members looking forward to this weekend. It will be fantastic to have so many visitors in the area.
“We specifically chose Horsham and surrounds as a destination because of its scenery, different tourist attractions as well as its good community spirit,” he said.
Mr Greenberger said Saturday would include a show and shine and gymkhana at the showgrounds, for members only.
“On Saturday morning members can choose from a selection small tours of the region to places like Mount Arapiles and Roses Gap.” he said.
Mayor Robyn Gulline will be on hand for the start Sunday’s Thunder Run at the Showgrounds.
“It’s fantastic that Horsham has been chosen to host this event. We welcome all rally attendees and trust they will enjoy their weekend and get a taste of what our part of the world has to offer,” Cr Gulline said.
“I hope to see as many people as possible out to welcome the riders to our city on Sunday morning.”