Rugby Australia is pleased to announce its successful application as part of Sport Australia’s Participation Grant Program.
The Sport Australia Participation Grant Program invests in innovative programs that bring communities together and help more Australians to enjoy the social, personal, and health benefits of participating in community sport and physical activity.
Rugby Australia is proud to partner with Sport Australia and is excited by the opportunity to support more Australians to get active and have fun through high-quality, safe, and inclusive rugby experiences.
With funding received through the program, Rugby Australia will support local clubs, in conjunction with the Lloyd McDermott Foundation, Special Olympics Australia, and GingerCloud Foundation, to engage new participants through the delivery of community Get into Rugby and Touch 7s programs.
Each club that delivers either a Get into Rugby or Touch 7s Program in 2022 will receive a number of benefits including an equipment pack valued at $900, as well as access to specifically designed resources and training.
The opportunity will help clubs to engage and recruit new participants and support a return to sport within their communities.
Clubs interested in delivering either a Get into Rugby or Touch 7s Program in 2022
are encouraged to register their details
For further information, please