Roger Jaensch,Minister for Education, Children and Youth
More than 30 Government schools receiving targeted trauma support for 2022-23 have met to share experiences and undertake professional learning.
Trauma can occur when people are exposed to repeated or prolonged events involving threat, violence, abuse or neglect.
We know that trauma in childhood can result in significant behavioural and emotional challenges for children and young people, which impacts on their ability to learn.
That is why the Tasmanian Government is providing further support to these young people to help improve their self-regulation, build strong relationships and support their wellbeing.
As part of a $24 million commitment, 33 Government schools will receive targeted funding for two years to help build long-term, whole-school practices, as well as increasing capacity in trauma-informed practice.
This practice is about schools providing an environment which offers safety, predictability and belonging, and where relationships with adults are respectful, kind and nurturing, thus assisting to heal and reduce the impact of trauma.
The first 33 schools that received the targeted funding in 2020-21 have contributed to building a trauma-informed learning environment through staff professional learning, building staff capacity with the support of a lead teacher, and reviewing school policies and procedures.
Schools also focussed on creating calming, safe spaces in classrooms and designated sensory spaces in the school to enable students to strengthen their self-regulation skills.
Tasmanians’ priorities are our priorities and that is why we increased investment to support more students impacted by trauma to receive additional funding each year, with all Government schools eligible to apply.
Universal professional learning resources are also available to Government schools as part of our election commitment to provide professional development in trauma-informed practice to all teachers and teacher assistants, with priority access given to graduate teachers and those in rural and regional schools.
The Australian Childhood Foundation, a specialist provider of trauma-informed services and a leading provider in trauma-informed school education, in partnership with the University of Tasmania will commence delivery of this program in Term 3, 2022.
Our Government is strengthening the future for all Tasmanians.