Manatū Hauora has released a second eLearning module that supports health and disability services providers to meet the Tiriti o Waitangi (te Tiriti) related criteria within Ngā Paerewa Health and disability services standard NZS 8134:2021 (Ngā Paerewa).
Over 900 different providers across Aotearoa are certified against Ngā Paerewa, which includes fertility services, primary maternity centres, hospices, overnight hospital inpatient services (public and private), aged residential care and residential disability (physical, intellectual, sensory, and mental health) services.
Ngā Paerewa is also used by home and community, abortion, and assisted dying services to promote quality and safety.
The updated Ngā Paerewa came into force in February 2022 with refreshed criteria relating to culturally safe service provision. That same month, HealthCERT released the first eLearning module, which introduces how the five te Tiriti principles are applied in the health and disability sector.
‘We are excited to share this second module as we know many of the sector have been eagerly awaiting its release,’ says Kirsten Lassey, Acting Manager, HealthCERT.
‘From what we see and hear, most providers across Aotearoa New Zealand are keen to do the right thing, but sometimes aren’t sure where to start. We hope this module has done most of the hard thinking for them.’
The second module includes five chapters, covering a range of topics developed using the latest research and resources in anti-racism, cultural responsiveness, and te Tiriti application in Aotearoa New Zealand’s health and disability sector. They also showcase the stories and experiences of health and disability service providers from Whangārei to Timaru on implementing the updated Ngā Paerewa criteria.
While the first module was designed for health and disability support workers, the second module is pitched towards senior and executive management of health and disability service providers.
‘However, that shouldn’t stop anyone who is interested from taking the course, the most important thing is to be curious, open-minded, and have the drive to make change in their organisation – and that can be anyone,’ says Kirsten.
The second module was developed by HealthCERT, the team responsible for provider certification in the Ministry of Health, in partnership with over 70 sector representatives and to ensure it is fit-for-purpose.
‘We’d like to thank everyone who helped develop this module. We’re proud to be releasing such a high-quality product to support the sector, made possible with your input, expertise, and robust feedback,’ says Kirsten.
LearnOnline is the Ministry’s free online education platform for health practitioners. Learners will be required to create a username and password in order to complete the online courses if they don’t have an account already.