Michael Ferguson,Minister for Science and Technology
The Hodgman Liberal Government is committed to helping businesses grow and create more jobs, and to continuing to build our reputation as a base for hi-tech innovation across the Asia-Pacific region.
We have now commenced a worldwide search for the best available experts and networks to develop and deliver Tasmanian Start-up Accelerator Programs, targeted to our key industries of excellence and growth, such as AgriTech, MarineTech, Smart Cities/Internet of Things and Renewable Energy.
Start-up accelerators support early-stage, growth-driven companies through intensive education, mentorship and financing support. The accelerator experience is a process of rapid and immersive education aimed at accelerating the growth of young innovative companies, compressing years’ worth of ‘learning-by-doing’ into just a few months.
Tasmania has a proud track record of success in the tech sector, and the Tasmanian Start-up Accelerator Programs seeks to encourage more people to consider a career in the industry, to attract new talent, create a peer support network for cutting-edge and hi-tech start-ups and increase overall investment.
Alongside corporate partners and supported by the Tasmanian Government, the first Tasmanian Start-up Accelerator Programs will be based in Launceston and build on the Launceston City Deal, the Enterprize Tasmania Ltd innovation hubs and the nation leading Smart Cities’ Greater Launceston Transformation Project.
Applications close on 15 March 2019. Application information is available from the Office of the Coordinator-General’s website