The latest innovations in stroke prevention, treatment and recovery will be shared next week, October 12-15, at the 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Stroke Society of Australasia.
The conference will unite stroke experts from around the country, largely online due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, while Western Australian locals will gather at Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Stroke Society of Australasia (SSA) President Professor Bernard Yan said this year’s program is exciting and will provide an opportunity to look closely at the progress being made in stroke treatment and care.
“The theme of the conference this year is ‘Back to the Future’, marking 30 years since the first SSA meeting,” Professor Yan said.
“In that time, acute treatment for stroke has come a long way and it is possible for patients to make a good recovery and live well if they access time-critical interventions.
“Advancements are happening constantly to speed up diagnosis and treatment of stroke and we must continue to move forward in this research. When coupled with developments in the delivery of rehabilitation outcomes are greatly improved.”
It’s estimated more than 27,400 people in Australia will have a stroke for the first time in 2021. There are more than 445,000 people living with the impact of stroke.
Key topics to be showcased at SSA 2021 include the impact of the telestroke roll-out in New South Wales, the role of diet in secondary prevention of stroke, opportunities to improve stroke care for First Nations Australians and the outcomes of aeromedical transfers for regional and rural patients with stroke.
International speakers include:
• Dr Joseph Broderick, Professor of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Cincinnati, USA. Director at the UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute and the principal investigator for the national coordinating center for StrokeNET, a network of 25 regional stroke centers.
• Dr Valeria Caso, Neurologist at University of Perugia Stroke Unit, Italy. Former president of the European Stroke Organisation.
• Liz Lightbody, Reader in Health services research in the School of Nursing at the University of Central Lancashire, UK.
• Dr Michelle Ploughman, Canada Research Chair in Neuroplasticity, Neurorehabilitation and Brain Recovery.