If your toddler is keeping you up all night, Corangamite Shire is running free community sessions to help them—and you—get a good night’s sleep.
Toddlers’ bodies and minds growing at an incredible rate and it can be exhausting. Most need up to 14 hours of sleep every day, including overnight and a nap during the day.
Council Maternal and Child Health Coordinator Chris Towers said children aged 1-2 years often had sleep issues.
“This can include not wanting to go to bed, getting up and calling out frequently, nightmares and night terrors,” she said.
“All this can be challenging for families.
“The sessions focus on what’s normal at this age and how to help your toddler to get into a good sleep routine.
“During Term 4 our Maternal and Child Health Nurses are offering an afternoon and an evening session for families at the Camperdown MCH centre.”
“Bookings are required so please call us on 1800 552 902 to save your place.”
Wednesday 19 October, 1-3 pm
Wednesday 26 October, 7-9 pm
Camperdown Maternal and Child Health Centre,
50 Campbell Street, Camperdown