Last night’s Council meeting discussed proposed speed limit changes, new codes to oversee housing developments and a donation for a football carnival.
Pinnacle Road speed limit change to be explored
Proposals to change the speed limit of Pinnacle Road from 80 k/hr to 60 k/hr will be explored with community consultation following a decision at last night’s Council meeting.
The meeting discussed a motion from Cr Steve Peterson who suggested changing the speed limit to 60 k/hr would “improve the safety of cyclists and other road users”
The Council called for community consultation to seek community response to the proposed speed limit change before a report is brought back to Council.
Donation for league carnival
Last night’s meeting decided to donate $691.99 to the Bloomfield Junior Rugby League Football Club to hire Portaloos for the club’s pre-season carnival on 7 April.
The Bloomfield club had 300 children registered for the 2023 season. On 7 April 2024, they are hosting a pre-season carnival across 2 locations, Brendan Sturgeon Oval and James Sheahan. With only 3 toilets at Brendan Sturgeon, Portaloos will be required.
New subdivision code adopted
Last night’s meeting has adopted a new code to guide the development of new housing subdivisions.
The Council has used a set of guidelines since 1979 which set out accepted subdivision and development work methods to be used in the Orange local government area. Over the past 30 years, major changes to work practices, Australian Standards, government legislation and public perception, have occurred in relation to developments in Local Government.
The new draft code was placed on Public Exhibition from 6 December 2023 to 19 January 2024. Two submissions were received during the exhibition period and a number of changes were made.
Planning matters
Last night’s meeting voted to defer a decision on a proposal to build a new house in Cadogan Crescent.
The proposal is to demolish an existing 1970s style dwelling and construct a contemporary two-storey house. As a result of putting the proposal on exhibition for community comment , 12 submissions were received concerning dwelling design, overshadowing, privacy and views. Following a mediation meeting, a number of changes were made to the original plans.
A number of community members spoke to the meeting about the proposal. The Council decided to defer a decision, pending a site inspection by Council members.
Proposed subdivision re-zoning
Last night’s meeting also took the next steps towards rezoning an area alongside Leeds Parade and Miriam Drive for a new housing subdivision.
The meeting decided that the re-zoning is not formally adopted pending further changes to the alignment of electricity easements and road design.
A report to the meeting said that a number of community submissions were concerned about the possible loss of a line of trees on the site. The report stated that a future DA for the subdivision of the land would need to include a flora and fauna assessment to confirm potential tree retention.
Contributions plans adopted
Last night’s meeting adopted the draft document which sets out the amounts of money property developers are required to make towards the provision of the local infrastructure that’s required to meet the demands of that development.
The meeting heard the draft Orange Contributions Plan had been placed on exhibition for community comment in July 2022. Two submissions were received and amendments were made to the draft.