Latrobe City Council are pleased to announce that Stage 1 of the Kernot Hall Redevelopment is complete.
This project was delivered with support from the State Government with a $2.5 million loan through the State Government’s Community Infrastructure Loans Scheme.
Council hosted an official opening event at the refurbished venue to showcase the impressive upgrades that have been made.
The need to reinvigorate the space to attract a new generation of hall users was identified in the Latrobe Convention Centre Business Case. The recommendation of the report was to focus on functionality upgrades. Works that have been completed as part of Stage 1 includes:
- Acoustic treatment to the main hall
- Updated amenities throughout
- The inclusion of accessible amenities both front and back of house
- Construction of new meeting rooms
- Connection from the kitchen to the foyer
- Back of house accessible ramp
- Inclusive access to the stage and back of house
Mayor of Latrobe City Council, Kellie O’Callaghan said the redevelopment was vital to ensure the venue is compliant to all accessibility needs and can continue to host major events in the future.
“Kernot Hall was first constructed in 1980 and has been host to many community events over its 43 years. It’s a special venue to Latrobe City residents and after many years of use, it was ready for a well-deserved upgrade,” said the Mayor.
“The venue has a long proud history from community events to commercial hirers bringing performances and performers to the region including US Ventriloquist David Strassman and country music legend Lee Kernaghan. Over the years Kernot Hall has demonstrated versatility being an ideal space for Expo’s, large Italian weddings, school concerts productions and graduations, Festivals including Maltese and Pilipino, the Queen’s Baton Relay for the Commonwealth Games 2019, an emergency relief centre and several sold out Wiggle Concerts, which saw four shows in one tour sold out with 800 audience members per show!
“The upgrades have increased the venue’s longevity and made it a more functional, accessible and modern space that all community members and visitors can enjoy.”
The redevelopment started in December last year and was completed early this month by the local contractor, Langden Constructions.
Find more information about the project on Council’s website here: