The McGowan Government has today announced three major modular building companies have been appointed to a ‘pilot’ modular building panel to deliver up to 80 homes for social housing across the State.
The 80 properties kick-start the commitment to deliver more than 200 modular social homes through a Modular Build Program across the State in the next two years, including around 150 in regional Western Australia.
The three companies appointed to the ‘pilot’ panel are Quality Builders in Forrestfield, Modular WA in Wangara and Fleetwood Building Solutions in High Wycombe.
The contracts awarded from this pilot panel will provide increased employment opportunities for local industry, particularly for apprentices.
The first 15 homes have already been allocated and all will be delivered to regional WA including:
- five homes for South Hedland;
- four homes for Albany;
- four homes for Tom Price; and
- two homes for Laverton.
The properties will be among at least 275 new social homes to be delivered across regional WA in the coming two years.
The Modular Build Program, which will be delivered through the Department of Communities, will focus on areas of high demand and will include modular homes for the Perth metropolitan area which has traditionally included double brick and tile construction.
The McGowan Government also announced today it is seeking expressions of interest from industry to join a State-wide panel to deliver the broader Modular Build Program.
The Modular Build Program was made possible by the McGowan Government’s $875 million allocation towards social housing in the recent State Budget, the largest one-off investment ever made by a WA State Government.
The additional investment takes the McGowan Government’s commitments to social housing to more than $2.1 billion over the coming four years, which will include the delivery of around 3,300 new homes.
As stated by Housing Minister John Carey:
“I have been very clear since becoming the Minister for Housing that we need to be looking at alternative construction methods to get housing delivered as fast as possible in this heated market.
“Today’s announcement, that we’ve reached agreements to deliver the first tranche of the Modular Build Program with up to 80 new homes for social housing, highlights our Government’s commitment to get on with the job of delivering on our record $875 million investment.
“Modular housing is an alternative form of construction which the McGowan Government is utilising to provide faster turnaround times in our heated construction market.
“This first tranche of housing through the Modular Build Program is an important step in addressing housing demand where it is needed most, with a particular focus on regional WA.
“The first 15 homes have been allocated to South Hedland, Albany, Tom Price and Laverton – towns where there is demand for social housing and existing supply constraints on in situ construction, faced by most regions.
“As the program rolls out, we will see more towns across regional WA allocated housing through this program, and with requests for wider industry involvement just released, I am confident the program will pick up speed.
“The McGowan Government has committed $2.1 billion towards social housing in the coming four years and we are pursuing a wide range of measures to make housing available to vulnerable Western Australians as fast as possible.
“More than 680 new social homes, of various types, are currently being built across the State and adding more modulars to the mix will help ensure we diversify and spread the load across industry.
“I would encourage industry to participate in the upcoming procurement processes for the provision of prefabricated and modular construction, which have been released today.”