We have lost one of our heroes.
Bob Hawke was one of the greatest Australians to have ever lived, and someone admired and respected by so many people around the country.
Bob devoted his life to the service of our country, and made Australia immeasurably better.
He served as a union leader who fought for the working people of Australia.
As our 23rd Prime Minister he reformed our country in many ways, with one of the most ambitious policy agendas in our history.
He was a unique political figure combining popularity with compassion, kindness and economic reform.
Bob changed our country and transformed our economy; he turned Australia into a world-leader, full of hope and bold ideas.
He loved people and genuinely cared about their futures.
He was a Western Australian at heart, having grown up and studied here in Perth.
He loved our State and had a special bond with us.
I will miss him. I will remember him, and his legacy, for the rest of my life.
Thank you Bob.
Mark McGowan