To the residents and Owners of Strata Plan 60258, the unit block in Darlington that was impacted by fire on Wednesday 30 August 2023.
The NSW Police Force has handed the site to the Strata Insurance team of engineers and contractors to make safe the property.
Residents still need to ensure they have made plans for alternative accommodation until at least Monday 11th September 2023, as making the property safe for residents on the unaffected side remains a complex matter.
Over the next week, a number of steps will be taken to make the building safe.
Minor, internal demolition works have begun and security continues to patrol the site at night. No fire doors or unit doors were broken during the evacuation.
To make safe the property, several walls that are unstable due to the fire will now need to be demolished.
Due to the demolition needed, the power to the building has been turned off, and will remain off until demolition is completed.
Due to the safety risk and instability of the walls, there is a temporary exclusion zone in place for Units 10 to 14 and 18. Residents of these units will not be able to access their properties for personal belongings, or to clean out fridges, until the demolition is completed, which is projected to be Monday 11th September 2023.
Restricted Access
Units 1 to 9 and 15 to 17 will be granted restricted access on Tuesday September 5, for these residents to pick up personal belongings, and clear out fridges.
You will only be able to access the bin room through the Shepherd Lane stairs into the garage.
Due to the safety risk at the property, the following protocols must be adhered to:
Date and Time: 4:00- 4:30pm Tuesday 5th September 2023
Time limit: 30mins
Meeting point: Shephard Lane, commercial bin room door (right hand side of the garage door).
Units granted access: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17.
Units not being granted access: 10, 11, 13, 14, 18 and 19.
Pre-register your intent to attend by emailing or calling:
and number: 1300780746
Bring photo ID.
A security guard will be checking your photo ID matches the resident listed on the Strata roll.
You will be required to sign in and out with security, to ensure no resident is left behind.
No access will be granted through street entrances to individual units.
All access must be made through the garage doors, or doors accessible from the internal courtyard.
Units 15-17, please advise via email if you do not have access to your sliding door keys.
All residents, please advise via email if you have special access requests.
Reasonable requests will be accommodated, if possible, but please remember, the area is a safety risk and protocols must be adhered to for your safety, and for the security of everyone’s property.
Next steps
Additional communication will follow specifically for the residents/occupiers of 10, 11, 13, 14 and 18, on when they can access their property for personal belongings and to clear out their fridges.
If demolition and restoring of power goes to plan, all units except 14, 18 and 19 should be able to return home in the afternoon /evening of Monday 11th September 2023.
Should there be any change to the Monday 11th September 2023 plan for all other residents, we will advise as soon as the details are known.
An exclusion zone remains in place as emergency services personnel and engineers work toward ensuring the safety of the surrounding area and the structural integrity of the building.
The following roads are closed in both directions and the public is urged to avoid the area:
Abercrombie Street between Shepherd Street and Lawson Street
Residents are urged to register with the Australian Red Cross through the Register.Find.Reunite service and contact emergency service personnel on scene if they require assistance.
Further updates will be provided as they become available.