While we want the spread of peace, love and goodwill this Christmas season, there are some things we definitely don’t want to see spread around.
We love it when our relatives and friends come and visit us over Christmas, but with many families getting campers and guests from all over the state, there is an increased risk of weeds from other regions to be introduced.
So, with Christmas fast approaching, it is important for all rural landowners to establish and ensure use of a vehicle wash down bay on their properties.
This can be as simple as an area close to the entry point of your farm with access to a high-pressure cleaner. Make sure any runoff is contained away from stock and waterways.
Check out this video for some simple ideas:
Farm and property biosecurity, including adequate machinery hygiene is a key action to ensure biosecurity risks are minimised
Boaters are also encouraged to ensure their vessels and trailers are free from aquatic weeds when travelling between areas to stop the spread of high priority weeds such as Salvinia, Senegal Tea & Frogbit into our local waterways.