The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has extended a Stop Work Order applying to parts of Tallaganda State Forest, near Captains Flat.
The extension of the Stop Work Order was required because Forestry Corporation NSW (FCNSW) is yet to advise the EPA that it has undertaken the necessary surveys to identify and protect Southern Greater Glider den trees. The NSW EPA is continuing to engage with FCNSW.
The Stop Work Order was first issued to FCNSW by the EPA on 30 August 2023. Since then, the EPA has recorded 89 endangered Southern Greater Gliders and 20 den trees in areas subject to the Stop Work Order. Those areas had been earmarked for harvesting or planned harvesting operations.
Under the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (CIFOA), FCNSW is required to plan, implement and conduct forestry operations in a competent manner. Once identified, FCNSW is required to protect den trees and implement 50 metre exclusion zones around them.
Den trees and their surrounding habitat are critical for Southern Greater Gliders feeding and movement. Removal of habitat removes shelter and food, making the gliders vulnerable to harm.
The EPA is also continuing its investigation into other alleged breaches detected in Tallaganda State Forest. These investigations include a range of alleged non-compliances with the CIFOA such as alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities, alleged damage to environmentally sensitive areas and alleged failure to retain trees in accordance with the CIFOA.