Adelaide Hills Council, in partnership with SA Power Networks, is upgrading street lighting throughout the district from standard street lighting to LED.
Council resolved at its July meeting to roll out an upgrade of street lights on Council-managed roads in the district. This will take the form of changing many ordinary street lights to Light Emitting Diode (LED) public street lighting.
Over 1,400 public streetlights are owned by Council across the district. This accounts for 44% of Council’s energy use, and 27% of Council’s recorded CO2 emissions. This project will see 900 street lights changed to LED in the coming weeks, resulting in major benefits for the environment, and for Council’s operating budget.
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This project is in line with Council’s Street Lighting Policy, which contains the objective to ensure street lighting is energy efficient. LED lights are identified in this Policy as a preferred asset for public lighting.
LEDs are a proved technology that provides effective street lighting, with lower maintenance and replacement requirements and a lower energy demand.
In March 2019 the Council became the second in South Australia to declare a Climate Emergency. This action was made to reflect Council’s preparedness to provide leadership for the community in addressing climate change. Our Carbon Management Plan (to be finalised by December 2019) includes a target of 100% renewable energy for the organisation.