Fifty-nine exceptional senior secondary students from across Tasmania were recognised with Outstanding Achievement Awards at the Hobart Town Hall on Monday.
Education, Children and Youth Minister Roger Jaensch congratulated the award recipients on their achievement and excellence in a diverse range of academic and Vocational Education and Training (VET) studies in 2022.
“You have excelled in your chosen courses and distinguished yourselves through achievement, effort and dedication,” Minister Jaensch said.
The awards presented:
- 32 students received the Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification’s Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, recognising the students who attained Tasmania’s highest academic results with an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) of 99.5 or above.
- 27 students received the Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification’s Outstanding Achievement in VET Award, recognising students who demonstrated excellence in their VET programs, ranging from agriculture, creative industries, aquaculture, sport coaching and construction who successfully achieved the Tasmanian Certificate of Education.
Minister Jaensch also acknowledged the important role played by Tasmania’s educators and the students’ family and friends.
“The senior secondary school years are significant in a young person’s life and the support from teachers, school communities, family and friends help young people succeed,” Minister Jaensch said.
“You are a truly impressive group of exceptional young Tasmanians and I look forward to seeing what you go on to achieve.”