The successful candidates for the 28 November 2020 Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) election were confirmed today following the completion of the count by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC).
The Returning Officer for the election, David Stuart, said all votes received by the AEC had a full preferential count of votes conducted.
“All aspects of the count were able to be observed by scrutineers representing candidates,” Mr Stuart said.
“A total of 51 people stood as candidates, and 17 of the 20 TSRA wards were contested.”
The successful candidates for each ward, including those uncontested, are:
Candidates elected unopposed
MOOKA, Patrick – Dauan Island
MOSBY, Hilda – Masig Island
STEPHEN, Rocky Gabriel – Ugar Island
Candidates elected after the conduct of mobile and static polling
BAIRA, Horace – Badu Island
YUSIA, Tailisa – Bamaga
TOBY, Dimas Pinaith – Boigu Island
GELA, Jimmy Joe – Erub Island
DORANTE, Seriako – Hammond Island
DAVID, Charles – Iama Island
SAVAGE, Danie – Kubin
REPU, Cygnet – Mabuiag Island
KAIGEY, Bob – Mer Island
LOBAN, Yen N. – Ngurapai and Muralag
STEPHEN, Pedro – Port Kennedy
PEARSON, Nicholas – Poruma Island
WARUSAM, Marcus Jamal – Saibai Island
SAM, Karyn – Seisia
PAIWAN, John David – St Pauls
BILLY, Iris – Warraber Island
Further information about TSRA elections can be found on the .