
Surgery switches to ‘low carbon’ – WA Health takes the knife to high-emissions anaesthetic

WA Health has removed a common anaesthetic agent from public hospitals, as part of a comprehensive effort to reduce the carbon footprint of the State’s health system.

Desflurane is a short-acting volatile anaesthetic agent which has been identified as a potent greenhouse gas.

It has 2,540 times more global warming potential than an equivalent mass of carbon dioxide.

In an Australian first, the Department of Health coordinated a process to have desflurane formally removed from the WA State-wide Medicines Formulary (SMF).

This followed a clinician-led movement to switch to safer and more effective drugs which are also better for the environment.

Chief Health Officer Dr Andrew Robertson said WA Health was working hard to reduce its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions in line with Government targets (80 per cent below 2020 levels by 2030 and net zero by 2050).

“When you consider the logistics involved in delivering care to people around our vast State, it is not surprising a considerable level of emissions are attributable to the health sector,” Dr Robertson said.

“We need to do everything we can to reduce this footprint, and with clinicians we’re looking at ground-breaking and practical ways to make our health system as low carbon as possible, while delivering high-quality care to patients.

“Clinical care, including pharmaceuticals, is responsible for a significant portion of the carbon emissions of the health sector.

“We are developing a strategy to set clear policy objectives and actions to build a climate-resilient and sustainable health system.”

Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospitals Group (FSFHG) Medical Lead for Climate Health and Environmental Sustainability, Dr Adam Crossley said the move was the result of staff working innovatively to bring about system-level changes.

“While the team at FSFHG are proud leaders in climate health, this truly was a collaborative effort across WA Health, taking inspiration from various groups and initiatives,” Dr Crossley said.

“Through this project we brought together our clinical expertise and sustainability champions, with the common goal of reducing our carbon footprint.

“We are committed to being more environmentally friendly while also maintaining the highest level of patient care.

“Seeing this initiative rolled out State-wide really demonstrates we’re on the right track to a more sustainable future in healthcare.”


Desflurane is a short-acting volatile anaesthetic agent that has been identified as a potent greenhouse gas, with 2,540 times more global warming potential than an equivalent mass of carbon dioxide.

In comparison with other short-acting agents, such as sevoflurane, it creates 50 to 60 times the carbon emissions for the same period of anaesthesia, at significantly more financial cost, and with no clinical superiority.

One hour of desflurane anaesthesia is equivalent to driving 320 kilometres in a combustion engine car.

After consultation with stakeholders, including WA Health anaesthetists, the WA Therapeutics Advisory Group (WATAG) and WA Drug Evaluation Panel (WADEP) endorsed the delisting of desflurane from the .

Desflurane can still be made available, where clinically indicated and if no alternative anaesthetic agent can be used, through the individual patient approval process.

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