Surgical tradies scrub up well
Video transcript
This patient is suffering from a painful swollen belly and needs urgent medical attention.
At each Australian Antarctic research station, there’s one doctor and no nurses.
>> Daniel Dardha, Casey plumber 2019-2020: It’s been a massive learning curve, it’s something totally different from being a plumber on the job site to coming into the Hobart hospital, and everyone’s been great here too.
Plumber Daniel finds a bit in common with his day job.
>> Daniel Dardha: Because I was on the anaesthetic side of things, working with the ventilator, so it’s all just air and oxygen and in and out, don’t get them crossed up and make sure there’s no leaks and you’re pretty right to go aren’t you. Q: Just like air-conditioning? A: That’s plumbing, just in a fancy looking box.
Carpenter Glen is on the tools.
>> Glen Pretious, Casey carpenter 2019-2020: Scrub nurse, assisting the surgeon, keeping a sterile field, handling all the instruments for the surgeon. Hand hygiene, as a chippie you don’t normally have clean hands, but you certainly do here.
There are new things for the doctor to learn too.
With a nasty infected appendix removed, this patient will live to train another day.
>> Glen Pretious (Q: after this kind of training, what are you willing to take on?)