A new survey of recreational fishers and boaters gets underway this month to better understand the social and economic value of these pastimes in Victoria.
Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) CEO Travis Dowling said the previous study into the value of recreational fishing and boating is now more than five years old and a more current assessment is required to inform management approaches and investment decisions.
“The new survey, to be undertaken by Ernst & Young, is a partnership between the VFA and Better Boating Victoria, which was established to deliver on a commitment of the State
Government’s $35 million Target One Million plan for fishing and boating,” Mr Dowling said.
The new study will provide up-to-date estimates of:
- direct and indirect output;
- direct and indirect value added;
- direct and indirect full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs.
- total annual recreational fishing participation.
Better Boating Victoria CEO Gary Gaffney said the survey will increase the knowledge base about the value boating brings to the community and help inform future boating strategies.
The study will collect data on recreational fishing and boating using a secure online survey of at least 1,000 participants.
The online survey will be conducted this month and next with the results to be analysed and modelled to determine the economic value of recreational fishing and boating sectors.
Ernst & Young will produce three reports in spring: one for recreational fishing, one for boating, and one for recreational fishing and boating combined. All reports will be made publicly available.
Submissions are welcome, particularly regarding what recreational fishing and/or boating means to you, your family, your business and your community. All submissions will be considered and assist with the final reports.