Environmental, social and economic initiatives helped create a more sustainable community, as the City continues its efforts to reduce carbon emissions across its operations, aiming to be carbon neutral by 2025.
The reviews the organisation’s progress annually against the Council’s Sustainability Framework Action Plan, indicators and targets.
The Action Plan includes 66 actions divided across three areas as follows:
- protecting the environment – 24 actions
- community wellbeing and social equity – 22 actions
- responsible and transparent business – 20 actions.
The sustainability objectives range from climate change action, active transport projects, biodiversity protection, through to social housing, local food production and creating a strong local green economy with jobs for all.
The report shows the majority of the 66 actions were either on-track (31, 47 percent) or complete (30, 45 percent), at the end of June 2022.
Highlights of the report included:
- The reduction of operational carbon emissions by 29 per cent over the previous 12 months. The City now generates zero emissions through its electricity usage after signing a 10-year contract to source renewable energy
- Delivery of three major shared trail projects in East Geelong, Corio and Barwon Heads to improve connections and access for our community
- The establishment of Climate Partnership Grants, which provide co-design and financial support for community-led projects and activities that help achieve net zero emissions;
- Installation of 30 new raised wombat crossings in Norlane and South Geelong to improve pedestrian movement, community safety and health
- Support for 13 major events in Greater Geelong, which stimulated local economic activity estimated at a combined $24.8 million.
Mayor Trent Sullivan
Sustainability must be embedded across all areas of the City’s operations and reporting is an important way of ensuring there is tangible action.
Like many councils, we are facing real challenges to remain sustainable, particularly from an economic standpoint given the cost increases we have seen over the past 12 months or more.
Given our population growth, we also need to put a lot of work into planning for an environmentally sustainable future, and into making sure we retain the liveability we all enjoy as our city gets bigger.
This sustainability report is important in tracking our progress against the key actions in all three focus areas, making sure we are continually working towards an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable future.
Councillor Bruce Harwood – Chair of the High Performing Council portfolio
Many community members are passionate, engaged and highly knowledgeable about sustainability.
We need to work collaboratively to protect our natural environment, maintain liveability, and improve community health and wellbeing.
The report highlights the City’s commitment to developing strong partnerships and innovative thinking.
Our new Climate Action Partnership Grants are an example of a key strategic initiative that was recommended to us by our Sustainability Advisory Committee.
Responding to global challenges such as climate change at a local level is critical to our future success, resilience and prosperity.
As our organisational approach to sustainability matures, we are looking to shift to a more structured and coordinated way of undertaking sustainability-related initiatives and measuring their impact.
This will be a key issue addressed in our refreshed Sustainability Strategy.