Students from the University of Southampton have started their own company that reduces food waste in an innovative way. They collect the leftover food from local supermarkets and redistribute it into the community. Not only that, they take the left-over bread and turn it into beer.
Bread is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases as 90,000 tonnes goes to waste each year in the UK. Once supermarkets can no longer sell produce, it is often thrown out.
Futurebrew, a company set up through ENACTUS, collects the left-over food produce such as fruit, vegetables, pastries, bread and ready meals. They then distribute the fresh food between a local homeless shelter and local community shops.
The team then take the bread to a local brewery so to reduce their carbon footprint between brewery and bar.
ENACTUS is a student society at The University of Southampton that creates social enterprises focused on environmental, social and economic sustainability. The team includes students from Medicine, Engineering, Psychology and Marketing.