Will Hodgman,Premier
We recognise the pressure on Hobart’s roads and we have a clear plan for the short, medium and long-term to address the challenge.
We now are bringing forward $1 million in this year’s budget to allow investigations to commence on alternative traffic routes through Hobart.
This work will consider all possible options, whether it be bypass roads, tunnels, or a mix of both.
These are long term inter-generational infrastructure projects which acknowledge that in the future Hobart’s existing traffic network in the CBD will reach its practical limits. The signs of this are already being felt by Hobart commuters.
There’s no, single, simple solution to reducing traffic congestion.
So we are starting the early work now to ensure we are in a position to find the best possible solution, consult with the community and all stakeholders, and be ready to make a start as soon as practical.
We will also continue to progress our commitment to a Bellerive to Sullivan’s Cove ferry service, with planning for the landside infrastructure for a seven day a week service, supported with investments in park and ride facilities, linkages with bus services, cycle ways and walking paths.
A ferry service will not only support commuters, but our growing tourism market.
We are also continuing to progress the other elements of our election policy. A tender for investigation of the new Hobart Bus Transit Centre has been released, planning for bus priority lanes is underway including building a fifth lane on the Southern Outlet to help get buses through the traffic easier, and we’ve made improvements to traffic signal coordination on Macquarie and Davey Streets and we are working on other changes to make traffic flow better.