Peter Gutwein,Treasurer
There is no better place that caters for the free and low cost camping market.
Importantly, visitors and locals alike continue to enjoy camping, and no camping sites have closed, or are flagged to close.
There has been a review into the practical application of the policy in relation to council-owned camping facilities and the outcome will provide greater clarity and certainty for all stakeholders.
Following consultation with councils, private operators, and RV users, it was found the previous policy needed clarification as well as simplification and that is exactly what has been achieved.
In most circumstances, there is likely to be no change at all, which enables free and low cost camping to occur and councils can now be exempted from the rules that apply if it is in the public benefit to offer free or low cost camping.
The new policy statement is available on the Department of Treasury and Finance website.
The Department is also available to support councils and government agencies with the process.