- Hon Peeni Henare
- Greater access to primary care, including 193 more front line clinical staff
- More hauora services and increased mental health support
- Boost for maternity and early years programmes
- Funding for cancers, HIV and longer term conditions
Greater access to primary care, improved maternity care and mental health support are just some of the ways Māori Health Services will serve communities over the next year, Associate Minister of Health (Māori Health) Peeni Henare announced today.
The Government’s investment through Budget 2023 in primary care teams will result in an additional 193 clinical staff in communities, supporting and complementing the work of GP’s and nurses,” Peeni Henare said.
“These new staff, who will start to be in place from 1 July this year, will mean whānau will be better able to get health advice when and where they need it. Some of this new investment is in kaiawhina who can provide whānau with advice on how best to get the health care needed. Kaiāwhina are trusted in their communities and help Māori and Pacific whānau navigate the health system and access the supports they need.
“Through Budget 2023, communities will also see more prevention work for longer term conditions, HIV and cancer. There is more support for Kahu Taurima, which provides maternity care, and Oranga Hinengaro which is a mental health and wellbeing programme for Māori. Funding will also go towards improving Maōri health data, more rongoā services and workforce development.
“Te Aka Whai Ora was set up to put hauora Maōri at the centre and make health outcomes for Maōri a priority. These are by Māori for Māori solutions to ensure the groups we’ve identified as needing more support through the health system will be getting the help they need.
“In Budget 2022 the Government made a record, multi-year investment in resetting our health system so it works better for Maōri.
“This years’ hauora funding of $132 million will continue to support the investment in Maōri health providers to strengthen and grow te ao Māori health services, embed mātauranga Maōri approaches, and work with iwi-Māori partnership boards to improve Māori health outcomes.
“Our communities have experienced the difference it makes to have a national Māori health agency. Te Aka Whai Ora coordinated a Māori health response to Cyclone Gabrielle that empowered local leaders within affected communities; expanded funded rongoā Māori services throughout Aotearoa; and has worked with Te Whatu Ora to improve the wider health system for Māori with initiatives like new kaupapa Māori primary mental health services and comprehensive primary and community care teams.
“The coming year will see Te Aka Whai Ora build on these foundations, continuing to look for innovative approaches and prioritising investments that make the greatest difference for whānau Māori.
“Growing kaupapa Māori services, supporting Māori innovation and creativity, investing in a growing Maōri workforce, and giving Māori a strong voice in our health system are key to improving the disproportionate health outcomes that have long affected our whānau,” Peeni Henare said.
Notes for Editors
Budget 2023/24 Funding for Te Aka Whai Ora priorities
Te Pae Tata | interim New Zealand Health Plan priority areas $27.132m | Kahu Taurima | $ 13.000m |
Oranga Hinengaro | $ 4.450m | |
Long Term Conditions (Primary Care/Prevention) | $ 6.550m | |
Cancers | $ 3.132m | |
Māori primary and community providers $25.844 | To support provider sustainability and address cost pressures through contract increases for Hauora Maori Partners | $ 25.844m |
Iwi-Māori partnership boards $10.287m | To support the work of iwi-Maori partnership boards, including ensure locality plans are tailored to local communities’ health needs. | $ 10.287m |
Priority populations $8.815m | To acknowledge and invest in hauora services and solutions for Māori priority population groups – kaumātua, taiohi, rangatahi and tāngata whaikaha | $ 8.815m |
Te ao Māori solutions, Mātauranga Māori and Population health $14.798m | Population Health (Mauri Ora, Wai Ora, Whānau Ora) | $ 7.199m |
Mātauranga Maori – Rongoā Maori | $ 7.599m | |
Māori Innovation, $29.883m | Includes service innovation, data and digital, and workforce development | $ 29.883m |
Other initiatives $15.208m | New commissioning funding including $0.500m for HIV initiatives | $ 15.208m |
TOTAL | $ 131.967m |