
Teacher Registration Bill passes parliament

The Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2020 has been passed by the Parliament today, modifying the Board’s size and expanding its functions.

The Teachers Registration Board can now comprise of anywhere between 10 to 14 members and, for the first time, guarantees representation for early childhood teachers in addition to school teachers.

Child safety measures have been enhanced through improved oversight of persons granted authority to teach to ensure that, as far as possible, they are subject to the same rigorous requirements as registered teachers.

Registration has become more flexible for teachers, with the term of registration extended from three years to five years, and teachers can now choose to pay fees either upfront or annually.

Recording of a teacher’s status on the teaching register is now legislated, meaning that those who have progressed to ‘highly accomplished’ or ‘lead’ teachers are recognised appropriately.

Education Minister John Gardner welcomed the passage of the Bill.

“I am very pleased the Parliament has passed this bill, which represents the most significant set of reforms to the Teachers Registration Board of South Australia since its commencement,” said Minister Gardner.

“Among other things, the Bill provides formal recognition of highly accomplished and lead teachers, creates a five year registration for teachers with the option of annual fees, streamlines the Board’s composition with guaranteed representation for early childhood teachers and enhances child safety provisions.

“This Bill has been the product of enormous and comprehensive consultation, and we have incorporated a wide range of feedback from many stakeholders.

“I wish to congratulate Dr Jane Lomax-Smith and the Teachers Registration Board team who worked so hard along with the Education Department, all who contributed to the consultation and all sides of the Parliament for supporting these important reforms.”

Teachers Registration Board Chair, Dr Jane Lomax-Smith, said the Board was delighted with the passage of the comprehensively upgraded and modernised Bill.

“I thank the Minister for his commitment to actively consult with the entire sector and work with Parliament to deliver important reform that will support teachers in their careers, enhance community confidence in the profession and protect children.”

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