Department of Trade, Business and Innovation
Representatives from the Northern TerritoryGovernment will travel to Dili today to attend the Timor-Leste bilateral meeting.
The delegation, led by the Chief Minister includes:
ChiefExecutive Officer, Department of the Chief Minister – Jodie Ryan
ChiefExecutive Officer Department of Primary Industries and Resources AlisterTrier
ChiefExecutive Officer, Department of Health – Catherine Stoddart
ChiefExecutive Officer, Department of Trade, Business and Innovation – Shaun Drabsch
DirectorInternational Engagement, Department of Trade, Business and Innovation – KateWalker
Senior Policy Officer, InternationalEngagement, Department of Trade, Business and Innovation – Adam Robson
Travel costsfor six public servants traveling to Dili are:
Flights: $7530
Accommodation: $732(x2 staff from the Department of Trade, Business and Innovation will stayovernight)
Travel costs are based on the official itineraries received fromthe travel provider prior to departure and the known exchange rate at the time.