Being in tune with your health is crucial, especially when it comes to preventing cancer. That’s why, this Awareness Month, we’re encouraging men to do exactly that.
Did you know that 3 out of 4 men rarely or never conduct self-examinations? Make today the day you perform a self-examination.
Take your time in the shower, get comfortable, and give your family jewels a thorough check. Here are some tips to help get you started.
Testicular cancer is the second most common cancer in young men (aged 18 to 39)*
There is no routine screening test for testicular cancer so it’s important to be aware of any changes and see your doctor if you have concerns.
Testicular cancer may cause no symptoms. The most common symptom is a painless swelling of a lump in a testicle.
Less common symptoms include:
1. Feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
A less common but significant is experiencing a persistent sensation of heaviness in the scrotum. This sensation can be similar to a constant weight or pressure in the scrotal area, which may not necessarily be painful but can be unsettling.
2. Change in the size or the shape of the testicle
Men may observe that one testicle feels noticeably larger or smaller than the other, or they may detect unusual lumps or bumps on the surface. While changes in testicular size and shape can happen due to injury or inflammation, persistent changes require a doctor for a check-up.
3. Feeling of unevenness
Testicular cancer cause a sensation of unevenness in the scrotal region, where one testicle feels different from the other in terms of size, texture, or consistency. This difference can be subtle and may not always be visible. However, it’s important for men to pay attention to any persistent feelings of asymmetry or unevenness.
4. Pain or ache in the lower abdomen, the testicle or scrotum
Despite being an uncommon symptom, discomfort or pain should not be ignored, as it could indicate the presence of a tumour or other abnormalities. The pain may vary in intensity and may worsen over time with physical exertion or extended periods of sitting.
5. Enlargement or tenderness of the breast
Testicular cancer can lead to hormonal imbalances that result in the enlargement or tenderness of the breast tissue.
Get the low down: our guide to checking your testicles
A warm shower will put your testicles in the mood.
Roll one testicle between the thumb and fingers to check for lumps, swelling or pain.
Repeat with the other testicle.
Statistics to know
Average (mean) age at diagnosis is 32*
An estimated 1,000 Australian men will be diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2023*
In 2015-2019, on average, 97% of males diagnosed with testicular cancer survived 5 years after a cancer diagnosis*