The Disability Support Awards are fast
approaching – they will be held on Saturday 11 May at Crown Perth. NDS is
seeking registrations of interest from people with disability who are interested
in attending the Awards.
Thanks to Lotterywest, a limited number of tickets are available for people
with disability to attend. These tickets will be prioritised to people with
disability who have made a nomination in this year’s Awards and/or are a
Companion Cardholder.
Expressions of interest can be submitted by contacting Partner & Prosper on
08 9443 3468 or emailProtector.addCloakedMailto(“ep_fb4ee503”, 1);by 11 April. It would be helpful if you could advise if the individual(s) are a
Companion cardholder.
NDS members are reminded that Early Bird ticket pricing ends on 12 April, so if
you haven’t booked your table(s) yet, please !